Friday, July 29, 2005


Last night I went to the Unions NSW general meting to hear the outgoing ALP NSW Bob Carr give a farewell speech. The content of it was rather predictable, you know, "proud to be a Labor premier", "Thanks for your support", "The Liberals hate Unions" and "the Olympics were a success because of Unions."

Of course Unions NSW didn’t mention the fact that the NSW ALP passed those horrendous changes to OH&S laws that the union movement was vehemently opposed to, though at one time this was implied. There was also no mention that the reason why the Olympic Park site was built to the government’s satisfaction was because the workers were stopped from using one of their most fundamental rights, the right to strike.

I am a Unionist through and through, and I have much respect for John Robertson (Union NSW Secretary), Unions NSW and the ACTU. But sometimes the ALP arse-kissing of the union movement really shits me, and last night was one of those occasions. Boob Carr got a standing ovation from everybody. Well everybody but me. I just sat there with my extreme disillusionment with the ALP.

Some people say the ALP are the lesser evil then the Liberals. That is true. However Stalin was the lesser evil than Hitler, but that didn’t make him a nice guy did it? Besides there is a more positive alternative: The Greens.


Blogger Melba said...

hi aleks

what do you know about GetUp? Heard one of them on the radio today and Faine was giving him a really hard time, i felt sorry for him. Then saw in the age today, they look too clean and conservative. have you heard of them?

hope you are well

3:24 pm

Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Hi Melbourne girl,

I'm fine, what about yourself?

GetUp seems to be a strange kettle of fish. In terms of the Unionists involved, Bill Ludwig is the national President of the Australian Wrokers' Union, whose main constituency is rural workers, and as such they are very conservative. He tried to get the ALP to pass a motion condeming some refugee activists (which included friends of mine), but this was blocked by some people in Labor 4 refugees (which also includes some friends of mine). So I wouldn't exactly class him as progressive.

On the other hand I do know Amanda Tatersall and she is someone who I know can be very critical of how conservative ALP policy is, and she is someone who is very progressive and who I have a lot of respect for.

I don't know whether they will actually run candidates (I suspect they won't) but will likely try and influence the political platforms of both the major parties and encourage people to vote for parties they deem as progressive. It will be interesting.

5:11 pm

Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Sorry, it is Bill Shorten who is attached to Getup, not Bill Ludwig. However what I said stand stand true, the AWU is a conservative union.

5:12 pm

Blogger Melba said...

thanks for that. yes i thought it was something i might like to know more about.

we shall see

8:56 pm

Blogger Cape Man said...

I thought Bill Shorten was lining up big Kim and being groomed to take his job. The next Bob Howke, if you will.

9:50 pm

Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

I hadn't heard that Cape Man. Please tell me you are joking. Please.

10:59 am

Blogger Cape Man said...

Aleks, I saw him interviewed on either the Sunday program or Lateline and he had the suit on, looked like he was leader material and was spruiking ideas for a better country. He wasn't overly agressive and impressed me as a man wanting to go places. I had the impression that he was an overall wearing tradie carrying red flags everywhere he went, but this was quite a shift from that. As I said, it was just an impression, but I had also heard it on talkback radio.

I just realised that a friend of mine is married into that family, might be a distant cousin or something.

12:35 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aleks, fix your comment time display. US time is annoying.

1:45 pm


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