Monday, February 05, 2007


My Grandmother passed away on Saturday night. She is the last of our family members who lived through and suffered that most damning indictment of humanity, World War 2. I wish I could say that her death was peaceful and serene, but it wasn't. I'm an athiest,for me it is impossible to see god when you see someone you love fade away in front of you with so little dignity. I similarly can't see god in the deaths of babies - for me there is no no stronger person than a woman who has had a child grow inside her for 9 months, only to lose them soon after birth. I cannot think of anything more painful.

My grandmother's death has opened up that abyss for me. I had started to regain control of myself, but that is now shot to pieces, and I'm back at the point where I can't help breaking down and crying, even in public. I think about what my grandparents went through, and I feel so pathetic because I can't seem to cope with a life that most people in the world would cherish. I wish I could just go to sleep and either never wake up, or wake up without this cowardice and stupidity.


Blogger You've Got What I Need... said...

I'm so sorry, aleks.


3:09 pm

Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Ahh the great battle against cowardice and stupidity we all face each day, I know it well.

Currently I'm two points up on cowardice, but stupidity has me against the ropes.

12:49 am

Blogger GS said...

Anything I can say is probably trite, so will resist. The future is in your hands and as they say 'free your mind and the rest will follow'.

8:43 am

Blogger elaine said...

We all have our own burdens, aleks. Your grandmother's, heinous though they were, are neither more nor less 'valid' than yours or mine or anyone else's. Just different.

In so many ways, this 'modern' world of ease and luxury is far more difficult to navigate than previous times. So please stop beating yourself up?

Virtual hugs and solidarity.



10:05 am

Blogger Justine said...

I'm sorry to hear your grandmother has just passed away. Grief is tough.
I bet she would have cried if she lost you, just as you cry for losing her.
My condolences.

9:30 pm

Blogger Justine said...

"I feel so pathetic because I can't seem to cope with a life that most people in the world would cherish"

Well said. Me neither.

6:28 am

Blogger Melba said...

hi aleks. sorry i haven't been around but i'm glad you've been back and writing.

i'm really sorry, too, about your grandmother. it's hard for you because you are feeling and sensitive and you just feel so much. i know about that.

i think it's important to face the pain and open yourself to it, if you can. sometimes relief comes with moving towards a person or pain that anguishes you. it's when you tense up and try to turn away that things feel even worse.

i'm not sure if i'm making any sense here to anyone but myself, so sorry about that too. i just know it's worked for me.

anyway, my thoughts are with you.


10:07 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about Kurt Vonnegut. Perhaps you'll write him a eulogy?


11:41 pm

Blogger Susanne said...

How are you Aleks? Write it out here sometime if it helps.

7:06 pm


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