I’m sure that you have all been faced with the situation where you have built up somebody so much in your mind, that when you actually see them you can’t help but feel a little disappointed.
Well that’s what happened on Friday night. Upon seeing my date I couldn’t help but feel that "This is the person who has been on my mind constantly for the last week?" However by the end of the night, this feeling had totally evaporated and I was even more captivated by her. It just goes to show that looks aren’t what is important, but a person’s intelligence and personality. That’s not to say that she is "physically" unattractive; I wouldn’t change a thing about the way she looks. It’s just that this is secondary to personality and intelligence.
Due to few different things (mainly women getting ready issues) things started a bit late, and as a result we ended up missing the play we were going to see. However I’m actually really glad this happened, because it meant we spent more time talking. After we had dinner we went and had a few drinks, where we talked, essentially for about 5 straight hours. Only once at the end of the evening was there one of those awkward silences, but this only lasted for about 15 to 20 seconds. I was just really enjoying myself listening to her and looking into her beautiful blue eyes. The more she talked, the more I learnt about her and the more I liked (loved?) her. Eventually it ended, as she was tired (she works 2 jobs and studies part time, so I can totally understand) and had an assignment to do the next day, and I had to get up early for a protest outside Villawood detention centre.
However the end of the night came, and it wasn’t until she was about to get out of the car that I indicated, in a very pissweak way it must be said (you’d think things would get easier as you got older) how much I enjoyed spending time with her and asked if after she would like to actually go see the play we had missed in two weekends time when she had finished her assessments.
Now this is where the problems begin. She said that yes, after she had finished her assessments she would like to "catch up" with me. Now maybe I am I am totally wrong, but "catch up" seems to be something you do with friends, not somebody you are romantically interested in. However she then said to me that after assignments were over and she was less tired and stressed she wouldn’t be as boring and would be more "fun". Now again, this may be wrong, but this seems to be more like something you would say to somebody you may be romantically interested in.
Thus I am at a loss. Three other potentially relevant pieces of information; Firstly she said she cancelled a get together with a friend on Friday to "go out" with me. Secondly after I we missed the play I suggested we go to a movie, but she said she would prefer to go and have a few drinks instead, because she was tired and afraid she would fall asleep in it. Thirdly I SMSd her on Saturday saying how much I enjoyed her company; she SMSd me back saying she also had a good time.
Now analysing the events (I am always told that I over analyse things) there are a number of different possibilities:
1. She thought I had initially asked her out as a friend thing, more than on a date, and thinks that I have also asked her out as a friend again.
2. She thought I had initially asked her out as a friend thing, more than on a date but now realises I asked her out on a date and doesn’t feel that way about me.
3. She thought I had initially asked her out as a friend thing, more than on a date, but now realises I asked her out on a date and isn’t sure how she feels about me.
4. She thought I had initially asked her out as a friend thing, more than on a date, but now realises I asked her out on a date and thinks she may also like me in that way.
5. She knows I asked her out on a date, but now realises she doesn’t feel attracted to me.
6. She knows I asked her out on a date, but still isn’t sure how she feels about me.
7. She knows I asked her out on a date, and is attracted to me.
Now as I said, I really like (love?) this woman. As I see it I have three options:
1. Wait until she finishes her assessments in two weeks time then arrange to go out with her again. This would seem to make the most sense. However these next two weeks will be hell; the last three days alone have dragged on unbearably; I find it difficult to enjoy the taste of chaos concert on Saturday because I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Even worse is if we go out and she tells me she isn’t interested in me in romantic way; to see her and talk to he again would just make this so much more painful, even though it will be painful regardless.
2. Let her know how I feel about her prior to this by sending her roses. This would seem to be the best way of finding out where things stand quickly, and it may even help her to make up her mind if it is undecided, though this could be in either direction; she may find it romantic or she may find it too quick too soon.
3. Get in contact with our common friend to see if she can find out anything. This would involve the least embarrassment to me if she wasn’t attracted to me, though it is also extremely adolescent to do this. It should also be noted that our common friend is in England at the moment, and even when in Australia she is not very reliable.
So that is where I am at. Where to from here? Please people, your thoughts; which is the most likely scenario (I suppose this is more directed to you ladies) in terms of her feelings given the above and which of the above three should I do? I am so conflicted here.